Face It: Your Personal Information Is Not Safe, Even From Your Neighbor!

I was shocked to read in the The Washington Post this morning that businesses, governments and educational institutions reported 50 percent more data breaches last year than in 2007, exposing the personal records of at least 35.7 million Americans, according to a nonprofit group that works to prevent identity theft.

Nearly 37 percent of the breaches occurred at businesses, while schools accounted for roughly 20 percent of the reported incidents. The center also found that the percentage of breaches attributed to data theft from current and former employees more than doubled from 7 percent in 2007 to nearly 16 percent in 2008.

They say this may be reflective of the economy and that some of the incidents are the result of employees feeling the pinch from the recession. As companies become more stringent with protecting against hackers, insider theft is becoming more prevalent.

I find this completely unacceptable! What is wrong with these people? Suddenly your next door neighbor is a white collar thief?

But like many things in this world, it feels like it is beyond my control, especially when the largest single cause of data breaches came from human error. Lost or stolen laptops and other removable electronic devices, along with the accidental exposure of consumer data -- such as the inadvertent posting of personal data online -- were named as the cause for more than 35 percent of reported incidents.

One important thing I can do is educate myself and take action so as to not "inadvertently" post personal data online. It is also our duty as citizens to not let government or big corporations take away our privacy rights. We must stay aware, and put pressure on state and federal legislators for regulatory infrastructure to protect privacy.

Here are several resources that have helped me understand how to keep a rap on my ever-increasing digital footprint. Please, I beg of you, WATCH this "big brother" video... then tell your loved ones and children to do the same. You don't want to wake up one morning in the middle of a nightmare do you?


Are you a Freelancer? You're in Good Company Now!

"Laptop nomads" are getting a little less lonely according to Ilana DeBare the San Francisco Chronicle. A movement known as "co-working" gives independent types an alternative to working at home or camping out in cafes. In co-working, a group of freelancers or other solo entrepreneurs shares one big office space with perks that they might not get at home, such as conference rooms espresso machines, and opportunities for socializing. Co-workers can either drop in or rent a dedicated area in spaces ranging from funky industrial lofts to sleeker sites with a more corporate ambiance.

I love it! In Manhattan, for example, In Good Company Workplaces caters to female entrepreneurs, according to to Marci Alboher in The New York Times. The company's menu of offerings reads like a gym membership with an annual fee and various options based on how many hours of desk and meeting-room time the entrepreneur wants to rent each month. A basic membership is $300 a year, though there are extra fees for renting desk space or conference rooms. The idea makes sense according to Nell Merlino (founder of Count Me In, a nonprofit in which Erin of NetLingo is a member), as long as it's not an excuse to socialize. The focus has got to be about growth for your businesses. Check out NetLingo for definitions of these terms and a link to In Good Company Workplaces.


How to Make it Work for You! Here's one Way to Leverage Social Marketing

As President-elect Barack Obama proved during the campaign, there is great power in building online communities. Now, marketers and Internet entrepreneurs are trying to emulate his style of social marketing in order to build and expand their own networks of online users. As usual, it's about building an experience and a deeper relationship, but there's more to it than that.

If you work in big corporate, you'll resonate with online growth of Visa, who launched the Visa Business Network on Facebook this year and already signed up 20,000 small businesses; but if you're an entrepreneur you'll be pleased to hear about new synergies between social network sites, publishing sites, and share sites. For example, this NetLingo blog will get mentioned on Twitter which in turn gets published on Facebook.

The key for small businesses is to embrace a social media ;-) You need to dedicate a certain amount of time each day to cultivating your fan base. One way of doing this is to remain committed to PUBLISHING your content on Blogger, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Squidoo, FriendFeed, Wikipedia, and Flickr -- then geta group of people to SHARE it on sites like StumbleUpon, Reddit, Slashdot, Digg, Del.icio.us -- and finally post the content to your NETWORKS on MySpace, LinkedIn, and others, all the while, subtly promoting a new piece of content on your website.

I've seen this method work in action, resulting in Twitter or StumbleUpon generating the most traffic on a given day the plan is put into effect. Sound like a lot of work? It's heavy lifting in the beginning to get it all built and established, but once you get into the routine, it can be one of your cheapest and most effective marketing campaigns.


2009 Promises to be a Year Full of Tech Updates

Hi all, and Happy New Year 2009!

This is the official NetLingo blog, used primarily to track updates to the website and developments within the industry. I've been running NetLingo.com since 1995 and I am continually amazed at the degree and rate in which technology continues to evolve! There's always going to be the need for someone like me to explain it all to you and your loved ones, in layman's terms. For instance, can you believe I still get at least one new acronym/text message shorthand submission every single day.

This month we'll be launching a new PHP site and wow, is it going to rock. The Lexicon Builder will not only be fixed, but there's a wiki component that will allow you to add and edit other people's suggestions ;-) We're also fixing the RSS and the Toolbar, as well as adding new widgets and ebooks. I'll publish a post once we go live!
