Three-Quarters of the World's Messages Sent by Mobile

According to TNS Global, 74% of the world's digital messages were sent through a mobile device in January 2009, a 15% increase over the previous year. However, the popular impression created largely by the media, is that text message shorthand is weird. It has been described as alien, foreign and outlandish, and this lingo is viewed so much as a new language that texters have been called bilingual. Parents are concerned because they don't know what their kids are texting. Educators are concerned because text message shorthand is infiltrating schoolwork. Meanwhile, we're all doing it, and most of us love it, especially for short quick messages. Face it, worldwide communication in the future will be done through mobile devices and NetLingo will continue to track the new text terms and how this style of communication impacts our lives. We're here to dissect the pictograms and logograms, the initialisms, and the omitted letters, the shortenings and the acronyms, and even the popular non-standard spellings, so you can make sense of it all. NetLingo adds new acronyms every single day!
See also: texting, text messaging, instant messaging, SMS, leetspeak, acronyms, and the largest list of acronyms & text message shorthand on the Internet.
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